Coming to the end of the second decade of the 21st century, the human being is once again surrounded by dilemmas. They have been part of the human condition since the first man understood himself as such. They are natural consequences of what we call " conscience ".However, it is plausible to say that the current dilemmas are more complex than any other that human beings have faced in the course of their history, driven mainly by technology that advances to unimaginable levels and that can put their own human condition in check. Or, depending on the point of view, save it (here's another dilemma). There are many contrasts that supply these dilemmas, but we can mention some: scarcity of natural resources x economic development, g lobalization x regional identities , Right x Left ( old , but still very present ), few billionaires x many miserable , among many others .At the same time, c apitalism advances and with it its logic of unbridled consumerism , which is nothing more than a tool to feed back .Is tourism capable of becoming an important component that imposes a reaction to the destructive momentum of capitalism, in order to evolve towards a more just society? This article intends to shed light on this theme, based on the crisis caused by Covid-19 which, it seems , will transform the world and , consequently , tourism . Also taking advantage of the organization of the World Economic Forum in Davos, which is completing 50 Years in 2020 and will deal exactly with the evolution of capitalism. Understanding tourism as a “driving force”, he may be able to co-create the logic that will prevail in the societies of the future.