In “Reduce your CO Emissions and Increase your Bottom Line” Alan Wing-King –Managing Director and Founder of the multi-award winning internationalenergy consultancy Syntegra Consulting – provides you with strategies andexplains how you can save money in your business by decreasing yourcarbon emissions using current industry insight and carbon reductionstrategies. The strategies are articulated in a succinct, practical andpragmatic manner, and your company will see the instant benefits of thestrategies to provide solutions in creating a more efficient business.This book is packed full of facts and empirical evidence, and each chapterhas finance and carbon reduction at the forefront. The book takes youthrough each of the diferent types of sustainable energy technologiesand current legislation, and explains their financial benefits and howthese can be used in business. Business leaders, owners and seniordecision makers will appreciate what this book has to offer. The energymarket and carbon economy are dynamic and constantly developing butone thing that will never change is the increasing demand for energy.To save money to your bottom line and reduce your carbon footprint, thisbook contains everything you need to know – for the benefit of yourbusiness and the wider community it serves, because the decisions youmake today will have a direct correlation to your business performanceand growth now and into the future.